The GHOST plan:
A Ghost Hunter’s Code of Ethics
G: is for good impression. We want to
make the best first impression possible, on all levels. People will remember
the group name easier if we make a strong first impression, and be more inclined to invite us back, or recommend us to someone
H: is
for hospitality. We will treat all people like we would want to be treated, and
all properties will be treated that way we would expect someone else to treat our property, whether it be a home, cemetery
or place of business.
O: is for open to everything. Please be understanding
and non judgmental towards other’s beliefs and/or feelings. If you don’t
agree with someone else’s opinions or views of things, keep it to yourself. Nothing will ruin an image faster than becoming
strongly opinionated about something, and getting into a debate that no one person can win.
Approach everything with an open heart and open mind.
S: is for sincere. Please be sincere at all times. This includes being sincere with the
people we are dealing with, the investigation, data collection, everything. Nothing
will ruin our credibility faster than being insincere. If you are asked a question
and you don’t know the answer, please refer it to another person in the group.
Don’t make stuff up; the last thing we want to do is ruin our credibility by answering a question with information
that is completely wrong! This also goes with data; we don’t want to be
reporting bogus information in our any of our documentation. Remember to be sincere
is to be truthful.
T: is
for team. We are a team, and as the old saying goes, there is no “I”
in team. Part of being a team is respect towards each other. There is nothing
worse than watching a group have personality conflicts while onsite. While we
try to avoid it, a conflict may arise between members, if it does, please do not let it happen while conducting a walk through
or investigation. There is plenty of time between investigations to settle the
conflict. Again, this is a surefire way to have our group image ruined. Remember we are all adults, and at times we must also
act like it.
© 2003, Keith Norton