Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
Sanskrit Meaning: Purification
Location: Base of the neck.
Associated Color: Blue
Musical Note: "G"
Associated Sense: Sound
Element: The Ether
Associated Gemstones: Aquamarine,
Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Sapphire.
Incense/Oils: Ylang Ylang,
Myrrh, Lavender.
Positive(The Communicator): These are people who
are always honest, and exhibit a true sense of integrity when they speak.
These people often are described as having words that are as good as gold.
Negative(The Silent One):
These people tend to hide their true feelings because of a fear of ridicule or shame. When they say "yes", they usually
mean "no". These types of people are never connected to the sense of higher truth.
Attributes: Communication,
Integrity, Truthfulness, Expression.
Main Concept: Communication,
Self-expression, Truth.