Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Sanskrit Meaning: To
know, To perceive things that are otherwise unknown.
Location: The area between
and just above the eyebrows.
Associated Color: Indigo
Musical Note: "A"
Associated Sense: Intuition
Element: Light
Associated Gemstones: Amethyst, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite, Sapphire.
Incense/Oils: Lilac,
Lavender, Hyacinth.
Positive(The Psychic): The
psychic is one who relies on their senses and learns to trust their intuition.
Negative(The Rationalist): The
rationalist is one who either has never had a sense of intuition or has chosen to never pay attention to it, for
whatever reason. A rationalist will choose to make decisions based on an analytical thought process rather than relying
on their intuition.
Attributes: Intuition,
Wisdom, Pure Thoughts, Knowledge.
Main Concept: Intuition,